Thursday, January 21, 2010

"The Mormons are the only utopia that ever worked."

The above quote is from this man, Peter Drucker, who is now deceased but is known as a world-class organization and management guru with continued great influence.

I read this article with regards to this quote in Mormon Times with interest this morning. It is the short version of a blog post by Mark W. Cannon. I substituted and taught Relief Society last Sunday, lesson #2 of Gospel Principles. I found this article fascinating with regard to the lesson as it talked about the talents we bring with us and develop here on earth and how our talents bless others as we are blessed through others' talents. Drucker was impressed that a large organization like the LDS church could operate so well with only volunteers. If you have a moment, take a look. I'm always interested to see how those outside the church view us.

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