Sunday, January 31, 2010

Greenhouse inhabitants

Glen or I have been making daily jaunts out to the greenhouse this month.

We have been babysitting 300+ basil seedlings.

Lynette helped me plant out six packets of Sweet Italian Basil six weeks ago during her visit. As you can see, there are a few secondary leaves which are beginning to look like basil. On Tuesday, they will go home with new owner/gardeners with a recipe card for pesto at the end of our "Stress Less" Stake Relief Society Meeting. There will also be another small gift as well as desserts (stressed spelled backwards.) Come dressed for the chapel, 7:00pm at the Stake Center on Brown Road for a lovely time with your RS sisters. Learn how to "stress less!"

The basil has been sharing the space with some of Glen's warm loving plants and tropicals. You laugh at his "Down Under Pots" but isn't this lovely?

The plants outside the greenhouse are happy as well!


  1. Laurel I'm loving to see the basil pots. So cute!!! And the other plants look so beautiful specially the one on the blue pot upside down.

  2. Garden looks great! Hopefully you can tend to it soon!

  3. Thanks for the basil Laurel. I need it because my old basil is tired and wan looking.
