Sunday, December 20, 2009

The zero at the end

My middle son, David, turns the big "3" "0" today. This has been bothering him for over a year. All he could think about last year was that if he was turning "29" then he would be "30" on his next birthday. I can understand his angst. I have had a hard time with those "zero" birthdays, too. It feels like you just jumped ahead a decade or something. My last "zero" birthday was "50." It was sobering to think that I more than likely had lived over half of my life and who knew how many birthdays were left.

Today I have been reviewing David's "zero" birthdays. When he was born it was a joyful and wonderful time of year and he was a warm, snugly Christmas present; by "10" he was an engaging 4th grader who loved his friends; at "20" he was serving his Lord in far off Peru; and now at "30" he is a wonderful husband and father who loves his family more than anything, one of the best examples of a great 30-year-old that I know.

Happy "30th" Birthday David!

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