Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Doughnut day

Eric and Susan let the extended family invade their kitchen today for our annual doughnut making day. The granddaughters (in aprons) and Heather's friend also got in the act.

Little Sadie was finally old enough to enjoy the process. This was also Nichelle's first experience with homemade doughnuts. We were so excited to learn the results of her ultrasound yesterday.

It's a boy!

We keep the Bosch mixer humming and Grandpa Glen frying for hours. We used 30 pounds of flour, 2 dozen eggs, 2 lbs. of butter, lots of yeast, and 8 lbs. of powdered sugar. Cute bags of homemade doughnuts have now been delivered across Mesa and Gilbert.

I can't help but think of my mom, Velva, on doughnut day each Christmas season. She started it all 50 years or so ago when she made doughnuts on an Idaho Christmas day when we got snowed in and couldn't go visit family. After moving to Arizona, it became our treat of choice to share with the neighbors each year. TJ asked me, "How many generations have made doughnuts, Grandma." Why, counting Sadie, that would be four!


  1. The doughnuts have been consumed! Thank you Jensens and Merry Christmas. We love you

  2. I made Andrew bring home donuts from Walmart this morning. It wasn't the same, but it worked. :)
