Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Besides eating clementines . . .

I enjoyed a busy long weekend. We have very much enjoyed the citrus from our dwarf trees in pots. These clementines are especially flavorful.

On Friday morning, Janae and boys as well as Toby went to the McCormick Railroad Park in Scottsdale. Toby thought the little train was loud so this is how he sat for the entire ride.

It was a cold morning, so we bundled up. I hadn't been to the park since my children were young. We rode the train then, but there have been many improvements.

We also took a spin on the carousal. The big boys rode the big horses.

Henry rode the little horse, but he was still a bit unsure about it all. The boys enjoyed the large playground and then we had lunch before venturing home.

Saturday, I decorated the inside as the men did the lights outside. We were preparing for our early Christmas dinner and nativity play. Janae and family leave next Monday for a Christmas in Florida before going on to St. Kitt's for their medical school adventure.

This little angel showed up to help us with our nativity play.

My grandchildren were so sweet as they took turns holding or kissing the baby Jesus.

TJ is definitely getting older. He stayed in the background helping Grandpa Glen narrate Luke 2. Julianna was in the audience this year, too big to be baby Jesus and not quite big enough for the little angel costume.

This is our annual after nativity play photo with all the grandkids and grandpa and grandma. Last year we fit in the oversize chair, but this year had to move to the sofa. Lucky us!

AND next year, 2010, we will have "10" grandchildren! Ten in 2010! What could be better than that?!


  1. Laurel thanks for the link for the xmas picture from last year. Oh gosh, the kids have been growing a lot!!! I can't believe. And you and Glen are such good grandparents. I can't wait to have my little one day to be part of that traditional picture some year : D

  2. I love it!! it reminds me of when i was little and we did that as a family!! my dad was the donkey!! do you remember that? its hilarious!! your grandkids are so cute!! happy holidays!!
