Monday, September 14, 2009

The other Janae

We enjoyed a delightful visit from nephew Kyle this weekend. He has begun a round of medical school interviews, the first being at the University of Arizona this morning. Doesn't he look grand in his new suit? I'd want him for my doctor! He'll be crisscrossing the country over the next few weeks and I know that he will be finding the best match for his future.

He brought this lovely lady with him who has a lovely name, Janae. We now have to differentiate between Kyle's Janae and my Janae. We loved meeting his new fiancee. It is so fun to be around a newly engaged couple with their abundance of love and awe for one another. Kyle graduates from BYU in December and then we get to go to a wedding! Congrats you two!

(Lowell, I took their pictures under the pomegranate tree just for you!)

(Lynette, the war is on! I made cinnamon rolls with cream cheese frosting to welcome your son and soon to be DIL. I know it is not as time consuming as the "hedgehogs" that you made for Nate and Nichelle, but I did my best to make some kind of impression!)


  1. Looks like I'm the real winner here. I got to enjoy the hedgehogs and cinnamon rolls. HA!
