Sunday, September 27, 2009

Boats and planes revisited ***

With two little boys in the house, I've been getting a lot of help answering the door. One might say there is a mad dash when the door bell rings. A neighbor returned a pan a couple of nights ago. Raymond told him, "My daddy is going to doctor school and then he is going to drive boats and airplanes!"

The neighbor and I stared at one another. This was his father's motivation for becoming a doctor? At dinner, I related my story. His father looked at me and said, "What he meant to say was that to get to doctor school we will be riding on boats and airplanes!"

Ahh! That's better! They will be using many means of transportation to arrive on Nevis Island at the end of December so that daddy can go to doctor school.

It looks like they are in for an amazing and beautiful adventure!

I'm already planning my visit! You can, too, by going here.

***You can probably take the ferry and visit the island above from St. Kitt's. Andrew has decided on the newer medical school located on St. Kitt's instead of the school on Nevis. It seems to be a better fit and will only require four semesters in the Carribean with the fifth semester in Portland, Maine before starting clinicals. I'm still planning my visit!


  1. That is a really cool picture of the island. I am so distracted by all that I need to get done, that I kind of forget that I am going to live there. How crazy. I really do hope you can come and visit us for awhile.

  2. that is so exciting!! it looks like a gorgeous place.. i love kids and their interpretations of things going on in their lives!! they are too cute!!
