Saturday, August 22, 2009

My view of Nie Nie

We're home! Utah was amazing but home is home. I'm doing that important under garment load of laundry before going to bed. While the washer spinned I checked my favorite blogs (there are lots to check when computerless for over a week, but I missed Janae!)

I was anxious to read Nie's blog. Our first morning in Provo we picked up the local newspaper and I found this. I, like many of you, have been following her story the last year. So, I took the opportunity to join in on her climb (from the balcony of the Provo townhouse:) Glen and I often watch the hikers wind their way to the "Y" but this was definitely the most special. Here is my view of Nie Nie and her supporters with my camera on full zoom. Yeah for Nie Nie!!!!

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