Sunday, June 21, 2009

I left my heart in San Francisco

Gary holding 3 month old Laurel at the Nyborg Home in Ashton

Today as I climbed into a pre-cooled car (thanks Glen) to come home from church, the radio played "I Left My Heart In San Francisco" sung by Tony Bennett. Suddenly the memories flowed. I certainly love and honor my father, but I've often felt cheated that I never had the opportunity to know him adult to adult. Our normal father/daughter relationship ended before my second Daddy/Daughter Date when Grandpa George had to fill in for his ailing son. As his health declined, roles changed and soon his family, especially my mother, became his caretakers and protectors. He lived until I was married (a wedding he could no longer attend) and had two little boys. He died days after Ryan was born. Eighteen month old Eric, who was being cared for my mother and sisters, was perhaps the last person to see him alive.

My siblings, however, may envy the memories that I do have as eldest child. I'm almost certain that none of them even had a Daddy/Daughter Date or Father/Son Outing. I hope that I am wrong. The song by Tony Bennett brought back one of my most vivid memories. It is a cold December day with snowflakes flying and I am sitting in the back seat of the car, just me and my dad taking care of errands. Tony is singing this beautiful song and I am so happy to be with my dad on this crisp,cold day getting ready for Christmas. I feel so full of love and happiness. Somehow, this seemed like a tender mercy today as I left the church, where fathers had been praised, to have this special reminder of a day with mine.

1 comment:

  1. Mom, you can see how much your dad loves you in that picture. I know that you will be with him again and have a wonderful relationship. You come from such a powerful past.

    Andrew has a moment like that with his father, where he just felt loved and happy.

    I know that Andrew and you have loving fathers and that you will get to know them in the future. I know Father's Day can be bittersweet, thank you for sharing this experience.
