Friday, April 10, 2009

House guests

Meet this weeks house guests. They emerged from their chrysalis on Monday.

Yesterday afternoon, the grandkids came to help set them free. The painted ladies seemed hesitant at first, but once they realized their visit with us was over, they skedaddled up and away.
(Thanks to Janae for the picture.)

Here are my house guests of a couple of weeks ago. Simone and her friend were here to spend their spring break shopping! I merely provided a place to sleep and shower, oh, and a good breakfast to send them off on their long drive back to Albuquerque with Eveline.

We've had other guests as well recently. Nate and Nichelle spent a weekend. Farrell drove Simone and friend over and then he and Eveline did a Sunday switch out at the airport. Both TJ and Heather have had separate overnights. We welcomed them all!

We were not so welcoming to the cockroaches which appeared in my compost pile. Glen showed them the door pronto!

1 comment:

  1. Let us know when more butterflies are ready to go!

    Thanks for always being the best hostess.
