Tuesday, February 10, 2009

10th Day of Love

I love Glen because he has been such a "fun" parent. I've often thought how it would have been for my children to not have had their father in their life - boring and quiet. Glen has been the recreation director in our marriage and family (just like his mother was for her family.) Glen makes the good times roll!

If I had been present for this rolling good time it would NOT HAVE HAPPENED! I birthed these five beautiful children and their safety has always been my up most priority. Did they love riding on top of the car? Yes indeed, and they sometimes still talk of it.

Glen is trying to blow up the rubber raft which he brought to fathers/sons outing on top of his little blue Volkswagen. The "bug" was also packed with a tent, all camping gear, folding chairs, and three boys. It was a traveling circus and they had a very good time, especially enjoying the wide eyes as they rolled into camp.

There would have been no underwater pictures without Glen in their life. They would never have known how they looked in a watery world.

It was a family tradition for Glen to pack up the kids early on a Saturday morning in late December after a snowstorm up north. They would load the pickup with snow and head home to engage in a traveling snowball fight. Friends and neighbors learned that it was dangerous to open their door on a December Saturday.

Glen's philosophy has always been "the more the merrier." This van is packed with the family plus some Ostler cousins. I think that's Brittany standing outside looking in. We were on our way to Disneyland, the happiest place on earth.

Glen always thought that a family activity was the best kind of activity. This may have been the only time all the bikes had tires with air. It was a very delightful evening.

Glen has also provided the "fun" for many ward activities. He and the kids were always filling an ice chest full of water balloons for the water balloon launcher. He was also the kind of dad who took kids and their friends teepeeing. When visiting Utah in July, a trip to Wyoming for fireworks was usually a given. Most of my children's fondest memories were orchestrated by their father. That's my Glen!

Please comment if you want to add any "fun" memories of your own.

1 comment:

  1. Laurel and Glen,
    You bring tears to my eyes! It is so fun to look at your old family pics and see the joy, fun, and memories being created. I can hardly look at mine, without a flood of memories coming back. What a sweet Valentine tribute!
