Raymond's mother feared for his safety during the move. With Big Ray's old movie camera in hand, he arrived early to help Big Glen with Saturday morning chores.

He thought it was very important to immortalize grandpa trimming the pomegranate tree, especially with a smile.

Grandpa obliged with a wave as well. I think Raymond has been watching his mother.

He quickly decided that he would rather climb the ladder. Then it was on to lawn mowing.

Holding onto Big Glen's pocket, "Little Glen" hung on for the whole walk.

This picture most clearly demonstrates why Raymond is sometimes referred to as "Little Glen."

There must have been a side change on the back forty. Ray hung in for the entire job. He and his grandpa moved on to pool cleaning, bird feeding, and pot watering while I was inside with Henry. Later in the afternoon, Raymond was mesmerized by the waterfalls (sprinklers). I can only imagine that the falling water was accompanied by music playing in his head.