Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Happy News

Laurel & Glen
April 25, 1975

I love it when I'm made aware of pictures of my family that I didn't realize existed. When we were in Utah we visited with two of Glen's sisters. One had 3 of those old magnetic album pages with pictures from our wedding she had found in Glen's parents' things. I was able to carefully remove them all without causing damage. This one pretty much describes how we felt today because:

Prostate biopsy - negative
Kidney tumor - let's take another cat scan in 6 months to see if it has grown, then decide what to do, ie. surgery or laproscopic "freezing", or nothing (kidney tumors are notoriously slow growing)
Kidney stone size of a quarter - out patient procedure on Nov. 24 to blast it with ultrasonic waves hoping that it will disintegrate into sand and exit on its own

Glen took me to lunch afterwards and now he is taking a nap. It's been a pretty stressful time for him. During lunch we counted our blessings. Now we know the kidney tumor is there and it can be watched. If the PSA hadn't been elevated Glen wouldn't have been sent to the urologist and the tumor would have continued lurking in the dark. Thank you for your love and prayers.


  1. Yay for good news. I'm glad things went well. Hopefully, you will both be able to sleep better now knowing that everything's okay :)

  2. I'm glad to know about that Laurel. Now, more prayers just to thank Heavenly Father for all og good things He has been given to us. Love you both!!!

  3. I'm still eating my tomatoes . . .

  4. What a relief. He looks so healthy and great lately too. Let's hope he has Grandma B's genes!!

  5. We were so glad to hear about Glen. It sounded like the best scenario at the present time! Hang in there, and I'm glad you got to breathe a little bit of relief.
