Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Updates from the Weekend

The Ostlers were in town and once again wondering out loud about how we can stand to live here. Yes, it was more humid than normal, but a storm rolled in from the Rim Sunday night and lowered the temperatures 20 degrees while we served them dinner, so hopefully they left with a good last impression. Nate found it hard to believe his cousins are now all teenagers, but he baked them cookies for their drive home in spite of their growing up on him. Christine was in town for a track meet which her family had come to watch. Unfortunately, we did not see her as she was on the other side of town with her teammates. We let them play with our new old fashioned Bingo game and I scrounged up some M&Ms for prizes.

Ruby Butterfly received new wings at her birthday party on Saturday. We enjoyed a wonderful birthday luau and loved seeing Ruby with her friends. Special thanks to her family for a fun time.

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