Monday, July 7, 2008

A special lady remembered on this day

Today would have been my mom's 84th birthday if she were still with us. She lived a life of service and unconditional love. I've posted this picture before, but after our stake enrichment meeting last March it now has more meaning for me. I now recognize that apron she is wearing as an apron of service. My sweet sisters, an apron is coming your way with a copy of a wonderful address by Sister Susan Deaton. Please accept it in honor of our mother.


  1. Laurel,
    You do the most wonderful blogs. I probably have a dozen pictures just like yours of my mom stepping out on the porch to have her picture taken with her apron on. Thanks for sharing your mom with us--you're certainly following in your mom's footsteps. Julie

  2. What a cool weekend to remember Velva with the movie, the holiday, and her birthday. She's my favorite American.
