It took all five renewals alloted from the public library, but I finally finished "Ike." It had been sitting in my TBR pile for some time before I actually began reading it. I have a bad habit of requesting a long list of books, and then picking them up all at the same time, depending on the five renewals allowed online to read them all. "Ike" was at the bottom of the pile because others were not requesting it. Once someone else wants a book, renewals are no longer allowed, thus my quarterly pay up of overdue fines. I did enjoy the book. Dwight Eisenhower was elected president of the United States the same month I was born. Sometimes I had David O. McKay and Dwight Eisenhower mixed up in my head as to who was president of what. My little girl self honestly thought that President McKay could probably handle both. This book was an excellent way to learn about the "back story," so to speak, of this president. Most of the book was concerned, and rightly so, with his time as Commander of the Allied Forces during World War II. It bothered him deeply that so many lost their lives during his command. I feel a deep appreciation for those who fought for our freedoms on this Memorial Day.
When we went on our church history trip after David returned from his mission in 2001, we drove across Kansas. We had not planned to stop in Abilene, but were in need of gas and some refreshment. I, of course, insisted that we go find the Eisenhower home and the library. Both were closed. As you can tell from the picture of Janae, the shadows are long and it was late in the day. I always felt cheated and now even more so.
Special note: This house was the boyhood home of Ike, his five brothers, his parents, and at times a set of grandparents. Ike and Mamie lived in government provided housing most of their married life, including the White House. They finally bought a farm near Gettysburg with an older house which they renovated. It was the only home of their own and where they lived upon leaving the White House.
Oh Kansas, what a long drive. What a funny trip. I'm glad you liked the book.