Monday, April 7, 2008

Trippin' to SLC

These are the ladies I traveled with to SLC. This is a group shot in the Joseph Smith Building prior to lunch after our RS meeting in the Tabernacle. We ate at the Garden Terrace overlooking Temple Square and the food was delicious. After lunch, we ran into Elder Darl Garn, our former Stake President now a Seventy, down in the lobby.
It definitely still looked and felt like winter. This was the most color I saw on the entire trip. These tulips were a florescent orange. They were located by the RS Building. We went on a tour of the building and I found my grandmother's name in the book of donors in the late 1940's who sent money to build the building. It was interesting to sit on the second row in the tabernacle. We had training with the RS General Presidency. It was a great experience. However, the "new" tabernacle benches really are as uncomfortable as the original benches.

I took the following picture for Raymond who loves the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and his hymn book. He points to the organ pipe stamp on the hymn book and states, "Church hongs."

1 comment:

  1. Ray is making me print that Tabernacle picture right now! He says, "Oh! Oh! Church hongs!"

    We had fun on your visit- hopefully we'll have more color when you come in two weeks!
