Friday, March 7, 2008

Little snippets from outside

This is my favorite piece of yard art. We found it last Fall at Costco Home. We also bought the geraniums, because of their interesting foilage, at the same time. They took several months to flower, but it was worth the wait. The blooms are an amazing orange color.
It may not be officially Spring, but it was definitely time to store the Winter flag. In Arizona one must cram Fall, Winter, and Spring into the six months that are not SUMMER.
The blue pots along the west side of the pool are full of these cheerful beauties.
The grandkids "Peas in a Pot" are doing well. From left to right, Heather's, TJ's, and then Toby's. They water them everytime they come over. Grandpa fills in when the visits are too far apart.
This is what happens to broccoli when your church calling calls you for days and the broccoli doesn't get harvested. The bees don't mind at all and the small yellow flowers are really quite lovely. We fed 30 missionaries at a zone conference on Tuesday after the enrichment meeting on Saturday. Luckily, all the food prep worked for both. It's been good to have time to spend a couple of days outside again.


  1. Uhhhhh! I'm so homesick! It has been really nice to have the sight and smell of Andrew's tulips at home the last few days. I also saw the start of tulips at Temple Square. Other than that, it doesn't "look" like spring at all, but it is warming up!

    It would be fun to see you if you come for the Relief Society thing. The boys are growing so fast! The weather should be just about perfect when you come for graduation. We have talked to Mimi and she is trying to come- I will put her in Ray's room. It should be fun and a great time to celebrate Andrew! I can't believe it has been five years since Ryan's graduation when you met him the first time. Hey, that's not too bad to squeeze two babies and a bachelors degree into five years!

    I'm off to bed to I can adjust to daylight savings and gear up for a week of little boys. They keep us moving!

    Have someone fix your web browser (firefox) for you! Hope to see pictures of the tractor show soon. I love your yard.

  2. Laurel,
    I love your blogs. They're so warm, reflective, and fun! I'm envious of your having your grandkids so close. We have none of ours near us now, but it looks like our summer will be filled with grandkids. Tom says he's going to create a hideout for himself!! Julie
