Monday, March 31, 2008
This is not an April's Fool!
I really finally did it! The laundry room has been cleaned, painted, and revamped. The thing that I have been threatening to do for years has finally come to pass. It was the only room (besides the insides of closets) to have the original over 20 years old Navajo white paint. There are not any befores just afters. Befores would have simply been too embarrassing!
When I went to Target to get an organizer for the brooms and mops, I happened across the red boxes with black chalkboard paint. I could not pass them up. A perfect match for the cupboard door insets I had painted.
I still have the old white shelf from Janae's bedroom that I want to put over the washer and dryer. Dave, could you help me find the studs as that would definitely be the best way to mount it. Thanks to Ryan for putting the dryer back in place. I guarantee that neither Dad or I could have climbed out from behind up and over the washer. Remember how the plumber left a mess when he replaced the plumbing behind the washer. My solution to cover up the gap was a broken picture frame which I sticky tacked around the inset box.
Notice that there is still a hole in the wall. The original owners had planned to put an ironing board cabinet in. We couldn't find one to fit, so attached a fold down ironing board to the wall over the hole. I took it down and I'm taking it to DI. Can anyone out there help me out with a solution? Maybe some little shelves with molding. I'm open to all ideas. Please plan to see my new laundry room in person soon!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
New blooms for the last week of March
Very little happened this week until I decided to blog instead of go to bed. While my pictures were uploading, I heard a giant bang, checked out my window and saw nothing, and then a parade of firetrucks followed by a circling helicopter arrived in the neighborhood. I'm in my nightgown so have chosen not to venture outside to see for myself. Your father did not even stir one bit. He had a very busy day. He was up early helping with a ward roofing project, mowed his lawn and did a bunch of yard work, went with me to Phoenix, and then went to the office building to wash windows in preparation for sunscreens to be installed on Monday. While there, he also changed a bunch of outside light bulbs and worked on some carpeting in one space that had water damage. It was a full 12 hour day. He deserves to sleep soundly. I plan to join him soon.
Back to the pictures. These new blooms were the most exciting thing going on around our house this week. This is a day lily and I hurriedly snapped it's picture because it will only last a day. It is well named.
The passion vine also began blooming this week. The butterflies love this plant.
I planted this as a one gallon plant last Spring. I was rewarded with only a cluster of three flowers all last year. As you can see, this trumpet vine is enjoying life a bit more this year.
We also had our first hibiscus blooms of 2008 this week
This bougianvilla bush has been covered with blooms for awhile. It was arching over the hibiscus bloom and I couldn't resist.
TJ, Heather, and Toby need to come and eat their peas raw while they are tiny and sweet. Maybe on Monday for FHE. I almost forgot to mention the best part of this afternoon. I had a short visit from Eveline and girls who had come to spend a couple of days at the end of their Spring break. They had been swimming at Eric's, but still looked beautiful. It was so good to see them again.
I guess the drama is over outside. All is quiet and the helicopter has disappeared. I hope that it was nothing serious. The boom was really LOUD! Goodnight.
TJ, Heather, and Toby need to come and eat their peas raw while they are tiny and sweet. Maybe on Monday for FHE. I almost forgot to mention the best part of this afternoon. I had a short visit from Eveline and girls who had come to spend a couple of days at the end of their Spring break. They had been swimming at Eric's, but still looked beautiful. It was so good to see them again.
I guess the drama is over outside. All is quiet and the helicopter has disappeared. I hope that it was nothing serious. The boom was really LOUD! Goodnight.
Monday, March 24, 2008
The Egg Hunt
The Booty
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Rabbit Tales
Let me share the tale of these two rabbits. They were a painting project back in my painting days that I just couldn't seem to make time for. I was pregnant with Nathan and had just been released as ward RS president. The kids had a long weekend off from school for Easter. I wasn't too excited about a road trip with the family since I was 8 months big. Glen and my mom, Velva, decided to take the kids and go to southern Arizona without me. They had a great trip visiting sites such as a missile silo and Kitt's Peak to see the giant telescopes. I was pretty happy to have some quiet time for myself and decided it was time to paint these rabbits for Easter. It was a great time to paint with no interruptions or needs to meet except my own. By the time they arrived back home, the rabbits were finished. They continue to make me happy at Easter time.
Friday, March 21, 2008
"Horton" earns many stars

Me: "If five stars were possible, how many stars would you give "Horton Hears a Who?"
TJ: "I give it a billion stars!"
Heather: "I give it a GOOGLE."
The consensus is that we can highly recommend this movie. Finally, they have managed to bring a Seuss book to the big screen without trashing it! TJ especially liked the villainous bird, Heather liked the mayor's wife and darling 96 daughters, and I just loved Horton even though he had Jim Carrey's voice. Horton's heart is pure gold. (Janae - the bedroom of those 96 daughters may bring back a certain childhood dream of yours:)
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Spring Blooms for Spring
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Butterfly Sightings
More butterfly shots
Final butterfly things
Our final shots before leaving for home. Someone was very artistic with their backdrops.

I much prefer these field trips with grandkids vs. those with a bus load of 4th graders!
Monday, March 17, 2008
St. Patricks Day - my "ho, hum" holiday
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
White shortalls was what she wanted

This photo could also be used to illustrate her also mentioned four handsome brothers (before starting to loose their hair.) Perhaps it could be even be titled, "My mother 10 years after her 10 year high school reunion." Or, "My brother, Nathan, the cutest little boy in the whole world."
Oh, those were happy times. I miss them often, but enjoy all the new people who have joined us and all the present day memories in the making. Janae, however, did fail to mention one very important "Notable shared birthday." Sweet Baby James, one of her mom's favorite singers who helped her get through junior college. I would go into the MCC library and check out earphones and his music to listen to while I decompressed and did my homework.
So sweetie, add James Taylor to your shared BD list.
Now for the sentimental stuff. I made a blessing dress while pregnant with you (it won a ribbon at the county fair by the way) because I already had three boys and I needed to be ready for my girl. I also had made pink lace trimmed nightgowns and your father really was worried about my sanity if you came out a boy. But you didn't, and you were beautiful, and you looked nothing like your brothers but more like your father's side cousins, and I was ecstatic and could not sleep. Your brothers also adored you and your father adored you and your grandmas adored you. You have been a blessing in my life and I am so grateful that we have had the chance to do the mother/daughter part of life. You are definitely one of my "tender mercies."
Friday, March 7, 2008
Little snippets from outside
Sunday, March 2, 2008
My Kids on a Sunday Night
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