Saturday, February 16, 2008

So long Mitt

It's over. It's really over. Today Glen spent quite some time removing the Mitt Romney sign from the back of my car. First, he blasted it with the hair dryer. Not much success. Slowly he scraped and peeled it away. I finally, after stating that it was his problem 'cause I didn't put it on, offered him a rag and some rubbing alcohol. That finally did the trick and helped to dissolve the adhesive. I managed to catch some of the action with my camera at the end.
He then moved on to his car. The hair dryer worked like a charm. I guess the bumper sticker on his chrome bumper was plastic based. It peeled off in one easy piece. We are now Mitt free.


  1. Mitt-free until 2016, right? Your car still looks so red, so great.

  2. I couldn't bring myself to put my Mitt bumper sticker on the van. Not because I didn't support Mitt. In fact I hope for 16 straight years of Mitt! It's that my Dad never allowed bumper stickers on cars and so even as an adult, I couldn't bring myself to endure a subtle comment:)
