Wednesday, January 2, 2008

I've shared his birthday for 33 years

We took this picture to show our autumn in January. Unfortunately, it was a cloudy day, so colors seem duller than in real life. Glen is standing in front of our new tree, a flowering pear, which is known for colorful leaves when the cold comes and white flowers which bloom first in the Spring. Glen's 57th birthday is tomorrow. I have celebrated the last 33 birthdays with him. We are sure that he will not be adding any height soon, so this shot can be a comparison from year to year as to the growth of the tree. Tomorrow will be a quiet day, but Sunday will find he and his grandchildren raking up and then playing with the leaves in the front yard just like last year. It is a part of his birthday celebration now, birthdays made more fun with the enthusiasm shown by his grandchildren. Happy Birthday Glen! Isn't is great to have little ones around who are not tired of parties and celebrations by January 3rd?
Glen and Henry Glen take a final snooze together on New Year's morning before the Ranes family began their journey back to Provo. Check out those matching chins.


  1. What a cute shot of Glen and Henry!

    Happy Birthday, Glen. The kids are lucky to have such a fun and attentive grandpa. We can't wait for another party on Sunday :)

  2. Oops - I accidentally used Eric's login. The sentiment is the same, however - Happy Birthday from the whole family!

  3. Hey MOM! Make sure dad reads this! And if you could, dig out that present for him behind the exercise bike. When you two get the chance, use and watch the present- it isn't amazing, but it is entertaining.

    Also, make him read my blog about him today too. Thanks mom. We love you!

  4. So sorry you have the shingles again! I was worried about that happening. I hope it goes away soon.

  5. I think I caught it early. They gave me a new, more expensive medicine, and I think it is already making a difference. The doctor told me that people who have 3-5 outbreaks in a year usually have to have preventative measures taken. She gave me a prescription with refills and suggested that I take some with me when I travel. This time has not been as painful as some of the others.
