Monday, January 28, 2008

Friday with Sadie

Sadie came to stay with Grandma while sister and Mommy went to Disney on Ice, Princess edition with cousin Kate and aunt Amy. We had a very good time. I always feel bad that I have had less time with Sadie than some of the other grandkids. She has never lived with me or even stayed with me for an extended period of time.
Grandpa got a set of Magnetos from Santa, just perfect for Sadie and I to explore. As you can see, I was pushing color identification. Sadie was more interested in rolling balls under the sofa and then retrieving them with the magnetic rods. I call that some pretty good problem solving.
Just look at that face, so inquisitive and alive. I love her eyebrows, long eyelashes and dark hair.
After a little tumble, we went for an exploratory walk outside to get her mind of her hurts. Sadie's favorite thing was watching the honeybees on the Icelandic poppies. This picture does not do justice to the fervency of the bees. They were awash in pollen and so unaware of us even being in their neighborhood. Sadie just watched and watched.

The best part of her time at grandma's house was her unrestrained, excited response to seeing her daddy coming up the front walk. She could not contain her glee. (Not that she was unhappy while with me.) I asked Dave if she always reacts like that. Indeed, says he, that's why he likes to go home!


  1. Sadie is so cute. I think she looks a lot like Sally. I'm glad you had a fun time with her.

  2. Oh...I loved reading this blog. I'm so glad that you two had so much fun and some good bonding time. Thanks too! Hope your busy week is going well.
