Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Pizza at the Park

(All six little darlings last July in Utah)

Tonight I enjoyed pizza at the park behind Eric's home with my lovely grandchildren and their parents. They sang me "Happy Birthday" and the little ones managed to hold back and let me blow out my own birthday candle. They then found a flat rock for their table and sang "Happy Birthday" to each other. TJ announced that he had a BIG present for me at his house which he couldn't possible carry to the park. We all quickly packed up and headed to his house. Poor Emilia! She, of course, was making sure that everything was cleaned up properly. We were all in Eric's living room visiting when I realized that there was no Emilia! Glen went looking and found her back at the park. We had all disappeared and Emilia did not know which house was Eric's, having only visited by coming in from the street. We all apologized!

TJ presented me with a wonderful present. For the first time, he played a piece of music for me on the piano. I am so happy that he is taking lessons and doing so well. Heather colored me a beautiful picture and Ruby gave me a piece of cloth on which she had sewed a button. Toby and Sadie gave me many hugs. Raymond called me from Utah and wished me a happy birthday in his own way. I am a very blessed grandma!


  1. You picked it up so quick! I love the first blog. With pictures and all. We can change the patterns on your blog if you would like. Let me know if you have any questions about anything. Happy Birthday!

  2. Laurel,
    There wasn't any problem about me, i mean I did not know that Eric's house was in front of my nose. Laugh!!!! I really enjoyed your party with your adorable grandkids, well... my nieces and nephews, uh? I missed Raymond!!! And I know Raymond ins't your favorite as David said (teasing you of course) it 's just because he is far away from the great grandma, doesn't it? Anyways I loved loved to see all the family together... makes me remember when I was a little girl with my parents and I miss that!!!!
    Happy Birthday Laurel and the best wishes for you.

  3. I'm so glad you had a blog started for you, Laurel! Your first post looks great.

    The kids loved using their talents to create presents for you. I'm glad you enjoyed them! Happy Birthday.

  4. Raymond is only her favorite because she has to raise him sometimes, right? I'm glad you had a good birthday mom!
